Jersey and Logo Policy
PMHA is committed to the consistent use of jerseys and the PMHA logo in order to preserve the reputation of PMHA on behalf of all of its members. PMHA has therefore adopted the following policy governing the use of the PMHA logo and jerseys. The adherence to this by all members and volunteers is required and offences to this policy may result in sanctions where appropriate.
A. Jerseys - For all games including regular season, exhibition and tournaments, all PMHA teams shall wear only jerseys distributed by PMHA. No other jerseys may be worn without the approval of the executive. Coaches and Managers shall be responsible for ensuring that this provision is upheld by their respective teams.
B. PMHA Logo - the Logo shall be used only by PMHA teams and members and only in its official form (colour version of the logo below). No deviations from the logo drawing shall be permitted. No deviations to the colouration of the logo is permitted without the consent, in writing, of the PMHA Executive. This provision shall apply to all members and teams who wish to procure clothing and other items (including clothing, hats, gear bags and other items) with the PMHA logo.